Level 2 – Routine

Work in progress !!


This is the guide for completing your Level 2 routine.

It consists of 2 exercises. Obedience and Protection. 

Each behaviour has 10 points available, totalling 50 for Obedience and 30 for Protection.80 points in total available.

The pass mark is 55 in total. This allows you to get a pass even if you are unable to complete the protection exercise.

You will need:

  • A dog
  • A lead
  • 3 cones or objects you can use as cones
  • A place mat
  • An item the dog can search (Keys, tube, coin)
  • Another person (The helper)


  • You must not reward your dog during the exercise. You can reward once completed.
  • You must not correct your dog. Lead should be loose at all times.
  • You can ask your dog more than once to comply but more than once will be reflected in the final score

Level 2 Trial Field (WIP)

First lay out your trial field to roughly match the diagram below. Distances are a rough guide but must be clearly laid out in a X formation.

Obedience Routine

Start: Handler approaches the starting cone with the dog either in a sit or a stand, ensuring the lead is loose. Signal the start.

  1. Focus heel walk:
    • Walk to the first obedience cone and go around it.
    • Proceed to the second obedience cone and go around it as well, both handler and dog moving in the same direction and the dog maintaining focus.
    • Now head to the first obedience cone again and go around it.
    • Finally, return to the starting cone and initial position.
  2. Down stay with distraction:
    • Walk towards the mat, 
    • Approaching the mat, turn 180 degrees to face the starting cone, with the dog on or close to the mat.
    • Put the dog in a down position and walk back to the starting cone, facing the dog.
    • Make a distraction.
    • Walk back to the dog and stop in front of it, facing it.
  3. Positions at distance:
    • Cue the dog to sit
    • Walk back to the starting cone and turn to face your dog.
    • Cue the dog to down.
    • Cue the dog to stand.
    • Recall your dog.
    • Return to the heel position and walk the dog back to the starting cone, facing the mat again.
  4. Search with distraction
    • Take the search item from your pocket. Walk to the mat and place it down.
    • Now place your other two items somewhere near by. Wave them to the camera.
    • Return to your dog. The dog must remain at the starting cone.
    • Cue the dog to search, allowing the dog to locate and indicate the search item clearly.
    • Approach the dog, pick up the search item, and walk the dog back to the start cone in heel position.
    • Stop at the starting cone in the original starting position, facing the mat.
  5. Retrieve
    • Take the retrieve item.
    • Toss it in front of you at least the distance of the mat
    • Cue your dog to retrieve
    • Take item from dogs mouth or collect from ground
    • Cue dog back into heel

Exercise Complete.

Protection Routine

Start: Handler approaches the starting cone with the dog either in a sit or a stand, ensuring the lead is loose. Signal the start.

  1. Bark and hold:
    • Ask your helper to walk to the mat
    • Cue your dog to bark and hold
    • Dog should run to the person and stop.
    • The dog should then bark at the helper
    • Recall your dog
  2. Contact heel & focus:
    • Ask your helper to walk to the mat if not already there
    • Walk towards the helper with the dog in focus heel
    • Cue dog to focus on helper
    • Walk around the helper with the dog focusing on the helper
    • Cue your dog to heel
    • Return to the starting cone in the original starting position
  3. Transport position
    • Ask your helper to walk to the mat if not already there
    • Cue your dog to transport
    • Dog should run to the helper and stop at the back or at the side of the helper
    • Recall your dog

Exercise Complete